Academy Day
What does a typical school day look like?
Lunch is served | Academy doors open |
9am | Morning learning sessions |
Midday | Lunch is served |
1pm | Afternoon learning sessions |
3:30pm | Academy day ends |
The school doors are opened at 8.50am for children to enter. Staff will remain on the playground until 8:55am. Several mornings a week, we open the doors early for children to join in with our morning exercise in the hall. If children arrive after 8:55am, they should enter through the main reception area.
Formal learning starts at 9am and registration closes at 9am.
Within the morning, children will engage in Maths, Reading and Writing lessons. Pupils within EYFS and Key Stage 1 will also take part in a Phonics session to support early reading and writing also.
All children have a morning playtime. Within the playtime, outdoor play equipment is available for all children to use.
Lunch is delivered from our local secondary school and is served from 12pm onwards. This is served from the kitchen area and is eaten in the hall. The children then have a lunchtime playtime. During this time our Sports Ambassadors, Reading Ambassadors and Mental Health Champions are on duty.
The afternoon learning sessions begin from 1pm. A wide range of subjects are taught within the afternoon sessions; Geography, History, Music, RE, Art, Design and Technology, Science, PSHE, Computing, French (KS2) and PE are taught within the afternoon sessions.
Classes leave school at 3:30pm. The gates will be open for parents to wait on the playground to collect their children.