Wraparound Care
Worlaby Academy now offers wraparound care from 7.45am until the start of the school day and from the end of the school day until 5.30pm. This is open to all pupils from EYFS up to Year 6.
Throughout the morning and after school a range of activities are available for your child and ,when weather premits, they are able to make use of our outdoor space.
Breakfast club is £4 for the session, which includes breakfast consisting of fruit, toast or cereals. After school club can be booked from 3:30 until 4:30, 5:00 or 5:30 and is £4 for the first hour and then £2 for each extra half hour. Snacks are available at after-school club. Payments can be made using childcare vouchers, please contact the office for further information regarding payment.
For more information or to book please email wraparoundcare@worlabyacademy.org.uk or call the school office on 01652 294513.

Parent comments from a recent survey include:
“Thanks for running such a flexible, useful and fun service!“
“XXX would rather be in wraparound care than with me. He absolutely loves Mrs. Alder which makes me feel much better going to work.“
“It is a wonderful service to help working parents. Children love it and love the atmosphere and activities.“